by Syneidis Team | Sep 21, 2018 | Cybersecurity
The wikipedia defines social engineering as, “the practice of obtaining confidential information through the manipulation of legitimate users. It is a technique that certain people can use to obtain information, access or privileges in information systems. It...
by Syneidis Team | Aug 27, 2018 | Online Privacy
Digital identity concept is recent and complicated to understand and assimilate. In 2013, Aparici, R. and Osuna Acedo, defined it as: “everything that we manifest in cyberspace and includes our actions and the way in which others perceive us in the...
by Syneidis Team | Nov 23, 2017 | Uncategorised
The first question that arises when reading this article’s headline is: what exactly is a malware? The word is an abbreviation of “malicious software“, therefore, it is considered malware to any program or code whose objective is to damage a computer...
by Frederic Thenault | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Cybersecurity, News
You may have already heard about the Equifax case. Its repercution is not only due to the magnitude of the theft of data, but also to the sensitivity of the type of data handled by this American company. Equifax is the largest credit reporting agency in the...